Title: Breath
Speaker: Pr Tim Cope
Date: 10th October 2018
Location: Morely, Australia
Category: Pre 2000s
Title: Examine Yourself
Speaker: Pr Rex Haese
Date: 22nd August 1995
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Family
Speaker: Pr John Kuhlmann
Date: 27th October 2981
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Creation declares the Glory of God
Speaker: Pr John Kuhlmann
Date: 4th September 1994
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The Pearl of Great Price
Speaker: Pr Rex Haese
Date: 11th April 1995
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Planning our walk in the Lord
Speaker: Pr Jock Duncan
Date: 20th November 1979
Location: Adelaide, Australia