Title: Don’t start fires in other people’s gardens
Speaker: Sam Pearce
Date: 30th December 2023
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia
Category: 2023
Title: God wants you to succeed in your walk
Speaker: Sam Foutoulis
Date: 30th December 2023
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia
Title: Confirmation
Speaker: Pastor Martin Irogi
Date: 30th December 2023
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia
Title: Never lose your sense of adventure
Speaker: Pastor Phil Haddad
Date: 30th December 2023
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia
Title: A sense of wonder
Speaker: Pastor Marc Weber
Date: 28th December 2023
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia
Title: The mercy of the Lord
Speaker: Matthew Robin
Date: 28th December 2023
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia