Title: You are the voice
Speaker: John Van De Giessen
Date: 22nd September 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: 2021
Title: Confidence
Speaker: Pastor David Kschammer
Date: 7th November 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Faith, prayer, and the return of Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Darryl Williams
Date: 10th January 2021
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Title: Our tone of victory
Speaker: Peter Goodrich
Date: 17th March 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Make room for joy
Speaker: Pastor Sascha Bramao
Date: 14th March 2021
Title: Make room for joy
Speaker: Pastor Sascha Bramao
Date: 14th March 2021
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Title: Good advice
Speaker: Pastor Roland Rocchi
Date: 29th December 2021
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia