Title: First love
Speaker: Pastor Scott Nobel
Date: 14th March 2021
Location: Geelong, Australia
Category: 2021
Title: Contentment and the value of a simple life
Speaker: David Hawkswood
Date: 4th July 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: A total loss of control
Speaker: David Rocchi
Date: 11th April 2021
Location: Bendigo, Australia
Title: Unity
Speaker: Pastor John Kuhlmann
Date: 27th June 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Don’t forget to ask
Speaker: Pastor David Kschammer
Date: 20th June 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The power of our testimony
Speaker: Pastor Piet Visser
Date: 3rd April 2021
Location: Rotterdam, Europe