Title: The trials of our faith
Speaker: Pastor David Kschammer
Date: 16th August 2020
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: 2020
Title: Why the fuss over water baptism?
Speaker: Pastor Paul Nobel
Date: 10th May 2020
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Repentance
Speaker: Dave Hawkswood
Date: 4th March 2020
Location: Bendigo, Australia
Title: Excuses, excuses
Speaker: Pastor Rob Sinclair
Date: 12th July 2020
Location: Ballarat, Australia
Title: Rise & Shine
Speaker: Pastor Mark Wattchow
Date: 24th May 2020
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Title: Lift Off
Speaker: Pastor Warren Sharrock
Date: 20th September 2020
Location: Medway, UK