Title: Managing common doubts
Speaker: Pastor Brad Smith
Date: 17th October 2018
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Category: 2010 – 2019
Title: Faith without works
Speaker: Pastor Bill Allen
Date: 10th July 2019
Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia
Title: Self discipline
Speaker: Pastor Sammy Mwanzia
Date: 10th March 2018
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia
Title: Relationships
Speaker: Pastor Deane Clee
Date: 29th December 2010
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia
Title: The Word of the Lord came
Speaker: Pastor Jock Duncan
Date: 30th June 2019
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The gospel of the Kingdom of God
Speaker: Pastor Colin Tan
Date: 3rd February 2019
Location: Singapore, Asia