Title: Characters of the Bible
Speaker: Pr Joe Abel
Date: 6th July 2014
Location: Central Coast, Australia
Category: 2010 – 2019
Title: The Gospel: God’s Rescue Plan
Speaker: Pr Chad Haddad
Date: 9th September 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The Signs
Speaker: Pr Paul Nobel
Date: 29th July 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Jesus Saves
Speaker: Pr Peter Moore
Date: 26th October 2014
Location: Central Coast, Australia
Title: Identified by Signs Following
Speaker: Pr Brad Smith
Date: 20th September 2015
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Title: Identity
Speaker: Pr John Kuhlmann
Date: 1st January 2017
Location: Carrickalinga, Australia