Title: Old keys don’t open new doors
Speaker: Pr Lee Finney
Date: 25th March 2018
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Category: 2010 – 2019
Title: Jesus is the ultimate judge
Speaker: Pr David Kschammer
Date: 15th July 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The temptations of Jesus
Speaker: Peter Nankivell
Date: 8th April 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Love
Speaker: Pr Kevin Quirk
Date: 20th June 2018
Location: Perth, Australia
Title: Is our God judging or merciful?
Speaker: Brad Nobel
Date: 4th June 2017
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: How’s your spirit?
Speaker: Ben Robinson
Date: 25th February 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia