Title: The Story of Jonah
Speaker: Pr William Wijaya
Date: 23rd April 2017
Location: Bali, Indonesia
Category: 2010 – 2019
Title: Being Fruitful
Speaker: Pr Roland Rocchi
Date: 28th October 2018
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Title: The Return of Jesus Christ
Speaker: Pr Mark Wattchow
Date: 15th April 2018
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Title: Cornelius
Speaker: Pr Paul Nobel
Date: 19th September 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Battle Ready
Speaker: Pr Sascha Bramao
Date: 21 January 2018
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Title: Lord, Help me to understand
Speaker: Pr Jock Duncan
Date: 15th April 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia