Title: The measure of God
Speaker: Pastor Mark Wattchow
Date: 15th December 2019
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Category: 2010 – 2019
Title: Looking to Jesus
Speaker: Pastor Chad Haddad
Date: 10th March 2019
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Having a vision
Speaker: Pastor Laurie Nankivell
Date: 19th December 2010
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Don’t get deceived out of the simplicity of the gospel message
Speaker: Pastor Steve Carr
Date: 27th January 2019
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The great escape
Speaker: John Campbell
Date: 15th July 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Do it now
Speaker: Pastor Deane Clee
Date: 24th February 2016
Location: Adelaide, Australia