Title: The Household of God
Speaker: Pastor Laurie Nankivell
Date: 29th April 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: 2018
Title: The Gospel Of The Kingdom
Speaker: Pastor Mark Wattchow
Date: 2nd September 2018
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Title: God’s love is greater than you
Speaker: Pastor Brad Smith
Date: 13th June 2018
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Title: The great escape
Speaker: John Campbell
Date: 15th July 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: By the skin of our teeth
Speaker: Pastor Jock Duncan
Date: 10th July 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Overcoming the old man
Speaker: Pastor Peter Miller
Date: 17th May 2018
Location: Lismore, Australia