Title: How much you value the Holy Ghost
Speaker: Pr Scott Nobel
Date: 16th September 2018
Location: Geelong, Australia
Category: Locations
Title: The Power of Prayer
Speaker: Pr Steve Carr
Date: 27th May 2018
Location: Bendigo Australia
Title: The Word of God
Speaker: Pr Lee Finney
Date: 24th January 2018
Location: Liverpool, UK
Title: Patience
Speaker: Pr Scascha Bramao
Date: 16th July 2017
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Title: The Amazing Experience of Speaking in Tongues
Speaker: Pr Darryl Williams
Date: 26th August 2018
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Title: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Speaker: Pr John Kuhlmann
Date: 3rd June 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia