Title: The strength of the Lord
Speaker: Pr David Sunderland
Date: 27th March 2013
Location: Canberra, Australia
Category: Locations
Title: Finding our voice in the Lord
Speaker: Pr Phil Haddad
Date: 15th July 2007
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Jerusalem & the Second Coming of Christ
Speaker: Pr Paul Nobel
Date: 20th May 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Romans 12
Speaker: Pr John Kuhlmann
Date: 7th January 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: A New Commandment
Speaker: Pr Roland Rocchi
Date: 3rd June 2018
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Title: TitlForgiveness
Speaker: Pr Graeme Hazledine
Date: 8th April 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia