Title: The Gospel: God’s Rescue Plan
Speaker: Pr Chad Haddad
Date: 9th September 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: Vogue
Title: The ordinary person wants peace
Speaker: Pr John Kuhlmann
Date: 4th November 1979
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The Wedding Invitation
Speaker: Pr Chris Allen
Date: 1st July 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Faithfulness
Speaker: Pr Phil Haddad
Date: 1st July 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The Covenant
Speaker: Pr John Kuhlmann
Date: 24th June 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The Holy Spirit
Speaker: Pr Jock Duncan
Date: 1st November 1981
Location: Adelaide, Australia