Title: Being ready for the return of the Lord
Speaker: Pr Graeme Hazledine
Date: 4th March 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: Australia
Title: The Leading of the Spirit
Speaker: Pr Peter Moore
Date: 2nd May 2010
Location: Central Coast, Australia
Title: The Kingdom of God
Speaker: Pr Mark Wattchow
Date: 22nd April 2018
Location: Bendigo, Australia
Title: Marriage
Speaker: Pr Paul Nobel
Date: 13th May 2018
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Choice
Speaker: Pr Ron Carslake
Date: 14th March 2012
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: How much you value the Holy Ghost
Speaker: Pr Scott Nobel
Date: 16th September 2018
Location: Geelong, Australia