Title: Not for the faint-hearted
Speaker: Pastor Darryl Williams
Date: 17th May 2020
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Category: Australia
Title: Life and Peace
Speaker: Pastor Marc Weber
Date: 30th August 2020
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: A traveller’s guide to Baptism
Speaker: Franco Princi
Date: 25th August 2020
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Take up the cross
Speaker: John Van De Giessen
Date: 21st July 2019
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Change
Speaker: Pastor Mark Wickstein
Date: 27th June 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The relationship of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost
Speaker: Pastor Graeme Hazledine
Date: 2nd February 2020
Location: Adelaide, Australia