Title: Great minds think alike
Speaker: Pastor David Kschammer
Date: 10th November 2019
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: Australia
Title: Gleaning for the Lord
Speaker: Pastor Chas Hilder
Date: 7th May 2023
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Here comes a miracle
Speaker: David Rocchi
Date: 10th September 2023
Location: Ballarat, Australia
Title: It is good for us to be here
Speaker: Pastor Phil Haddad
Date: 17th October 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The difference between believing in Jesus and following Him
Speaker: Pastor Kevin Quirk
Date: 8th March 2023
Location: Perth, Australia
Title: It is finished
Speaker: Pastor Steve Harvey
Date: 15th January 2023
Location: Adelaide, Australia