Title: Q & A
Speaker: Pastor Jock Duncan
Date: 14th August 2019
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: Adelaide
Title: Only believe
Speaker: Pastor John Kuhlmann
Date: 28th March 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The courage of our convictions
Speaker: Pastor Paul Nobel
Date: 28th March 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Trusting in God and His plan
Speaker: Pastor Marc Weber
Date: 21st March 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Making decisions
Speaker: Pastor Phil Haddad
Date: 21st March 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: The anointing of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and the Spiritual Gifts
Speaker: Pastor Graeme Hazledine
Date: 28th February 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia