Title: The afflicted soul
Speaker: Pastor Tony Sheridan
Date: 9th April 2017
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Category: Adelaide
Title: Forgiveness
Speaker: Pastor Deane Clee
Date: 8th January 2012
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Separation & Redemption
Speaker: Pastor Steve Harvey
Date: 14th April 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Small things, big difference
Speaker: Kevin Williams
Date: 4th May 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: Are we standing up for the truth
Speaker: Pastor Chas Hilder
Date: 18th April 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Title: What held Jesus to the cross?
Speaker: Pastor Laurie Nankivell
Date: 23rd March 2021
Location: Adelaide, Australia